Creative Island Ident (Teal)
The Cultural Development Agency for the Isle of Wight
Young people looking at art displayed on a gallery wall

Isle of Wight Young Artist Award 2023: Brave Island and Quay Arts welcome young artists to showcase their talent

Sally Perry
16, August 2024

The Isle of Wight Young Artist Award is back for its third year, bringing an exciting opportunity for young creatives on the Island.

Brave Island, in collaboration with Quay Arts, has announced the return of this popular competition following the success of the last two years’ exhibitions.

Applications are now open, giving young aspiring artists (aged 14 to 25) the chance to showcase their work to a broader audience. The deadline for submissions is 24th September.

Exhibition and Judging
A panel of judges from Brave Island and Quay Arts will carefully select a shortlist of artists from the submissions. These chosen artists will then have the honour of displaying their work at the Clayden Gallery at Quay Arts.

Shortlisted artists will be invited to a special launch event at the start of the month-long exhibition. This event will also serve as the occasion where the winner of the Isle of Wight Young Artist Award is announced.

Creative Freedom for Participants
One of the unique aspects of this competition is the complete creative freedom granted to those taking part.

There is no set theme or subject, allowing artists to express themselves in any medium or size. Whether through photography, graphic design, painting, 3D work, or even moving images, all forms of art are welcome.

Artists can submit multiple pieces, although each will be considered separately unless entered as part of a series. For instance, a series of three photographs designed to be exhibited together would be judged as a single entry.

Important Details for Entrants
To enter, artists are required to explain why they wish to take part in this opportunity and provide details about their submitted piece. An image of the work should also be uploaded during the application process. For multiple entries, a zip file can be submitted.

For those shortlisted, it is essential to deliver the physical artwork to Quay Arts on either 1st or 2nd October, ensuring it is ready for the exhibition’s opening.

Exhibition Dates
The exhibition of shortlisted entries will officially open on Saturday, 5th October, and will run until Sunday, 3rd November. This provides ample time for the public to view and appreciate the talent of young artists on the Isle of Wight.

This competition is a significant opportunity for young artists to gain recognition and exhibit their work in a professional gallery setting.

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