Creative Island Ident (Teal)
The Cultural Development Agency for the Isle of Wight
Pupils in a dance class

Three Isle of Wight artists to enhance school curriculums as ‘artists in residence’

Claire Paul
24, June 2024

The Arts Council for England have invested in the Isle of Wight Cultural Education Partnership (IWCEP) to work with three Island schools to explore the creativity of their curriculums and how a more creative curriculum can be used to help schools to address their overarching ambitions.

‘Our School Creates’
The ‘Our School Creates’ project will use the Artsmark framework as a guide to good practice and place an ‘artist in residence’ in each school over the next academic year.

They will test and deliver a set of ideas that add value to each school’s creative offer, and help to address other areas such as literacy and oracy in a more discreet way.

Addressing needs of particular students
The three artists – chosen because of their practice and understanding of the needs of schools – will be able to bring in additional provision to the school (artists / resources / opportunities) and therefore be able to address the needs of the particular students and locations of the schools involved.

The schools we will be working with are Ryde Academy, Dover Park Primary and Brading Primary, working with three Isle of Wight theatre companies: Horse Box, StoneCrabs and Wonderfell.

Exploring a wide range of strategies
The approaches and provision will not be exclusively theatre-based, but explore a wide range of strategies that may suit the individual schools.

The IWCEP hope that following this project they can continue to support schools with provision in-correspondence with the research outcomes and longer term we hope that these outcomes can be communicated and transferred into the practice of other Island schools.

See the website for more information about Isle of Wight Cultural Education Partnership.

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